A project completed for Alpha International to invite people around the world to try Alpha.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is made up of 10 sessions that aim to explore frequently asked questions about the Christian faith. The course is currently run in cafés, churches, universities and homes in 169 countries around the world. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have 3 key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation. A staggering 23 million people have participated in the Alpha Course worldwide.
The Campaign:
As Global Creative Lead for Alpha International, the team and I travelled to 6 different locations around the world - California, Mexico, Wales, Poland, South Africa, and Malaysia - to capture the stories of 6 individuals who each had a unique experience of Alpha. We wanted to investigate and document the impact Alpha had on their lives. Our goal was to create content that would connect with as many people and cultures as possible, to show that no matter who you are, where you live, or what your story, Alpha is a great place to come and ask questions about life, faith, and meaning.
1 ‘centrepiece’ video (seen at the top)
6 testimonial videos (seen to the left & below)
Hillsong UK - Compassion Sunday
Commissioned by the Drummer Agency to highlight the partnership between Hillsong and Compassion UK in Uganda.
Hillsong Church UK, lead by Gary Clarke (pictured below), has been partnering with Compassion in Uganda since 2002. Hillsong believes that “In a world with so much need… Much of the solution and resource can be found within the local church, where together, with the power of partnership, we can play our part to eradicate poverty and injustice.”
Compassion is one of the world’s leading child development and child advocacy organisations. Compassion links children living in poverty with a sponsor, and through their sponsorship program the children are given access to education, health care and vocational training.
The Project:
Each year representatives from Hillsong UK travel to Uganda to visit one of the many Compassion Projects they support to capture the impact their congregation has made through sponsorship, and to encourage other to get involved.
Since The Water Came
Hillsong supports Compassion’s work in two main areas - Child sponsorship and their Water Projects. Together with Compassion, they have been able to set up water points in many of the communities they are involved in. These water points are life-saving, and significantly reducing waterborne diseases among children and the wider community.
Alpha Film Series
A commission by Alpha International to create a trailer for the Alpha Film Series
Alpha Film Series
The Alpha Film Series, made up of 15 video sessions, was originally created for the Alpha course in the 1980’s but has now been re-filmed for today’s audience.
Nicky Gumbel and two new presenters, Toby Flint (HTB) and Gemma Hunt (BBC), walk through the basics of the Christian faith in a way that everyone can relate to. The episodes feature inspiring stories and interviews from around the world, as well as visual illustrations and motion graphics.
These films are designed to engage and inspire conversation. Usually around thirty minutes in length, and delivered over 10-11 weeks, they explore the big issues and questions many of us have about faith, and unpack the basics of a Christian response to these questions, for example: Who is Jesus? How can we have faith? Why and how do I pray? How does God guide us?
“The Alpha Film Series is emotive, engaging and epic in scale and scope”
Also See:
Alpha Youth Film Series
A Commission by Alpha Canada to create a trailer for the Youth Film Series
The Alpha Youth Series is a resource used to run Alpha for 13-18 year olds in 49 countries, in 19 languages — giving young people all around the world the chance to explore faith through Alpha.
Carmen’s Story
A commission by Compassion International to highlight their Survival program
Survival Program
The Compassion Survival initiative focuses on promoting the development of the most vulnerable babies around the world, while also providing education and support for their mothers or primary caregivers.
Millions of children around the world die within their first year of life due to a lack of resources, delivery complications, malnutrition, and preventable diseases. But Compassion’s Survival Program has been able to reach thousands of babies and mothers, ensuring that their critical needs are met.
This film and set of photographs highlight Compassion Survival’s work in the Dominican Republic.
“The first five years of life are a crucial period in the development of a child.”
Compassion Survival helps babies and mothers in poverty by employing these four strategies, as stated on their website:
“Home-based Care
Mothers are visited monthly in their homes by a Survival specialist, who offers education in prenatal care and early child-rearing as well as one-on-one biblical mentoring with parents.
Group-based Learning Activities
Parents can receive basic education and income-generation training to combat long-term poverty and combat isolation through a supportive community of mothers.
Advocacy for Moms
Assistance that provides and secures funding for medical treatments, ensures mothers are treated fairly by local services and arranges for birth attendants to assist mothers during childbirth.
Survival Centers
Staff help coordinate outreach and care and offer a safe place for new mothers to learn and grow, all while monitoring and supporting healthy child development.”
see More work for:
Compassion International
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